Monday, October 10, 2005

I Get to Leave the House!

What a sad little life I lead. Anyway, Jake and I took a trial daytrip last week and it went okay, so now that he has been granted a short vacation, we're heading to Calgary for a visit. Hurrah! The main purpose is to take our new baby girl to visit her Great-Grandfather in Innisfail. So, we figured we'd try and visit as many friends and family as we can while we're kicking around. Not to mention getting in some relaxation time outside of these four walls. I'm hoping to see Michelle and my rezgirls (the 'Aunties') while I'm in the area. I'm also hoping to maybe get a haircut and some clothes that fit because the maternity clothes must die. I've already dropped around 30lbs, but I'm afraid that my pre-baby blue jeans are a lost cause for a while. Bleah. Ah well...any excuse to go shopping...


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