Thursday, August 07, 2008

When life gives you lemons...

you take three day weekends.

I have not had a full staff since, oh I dunno, February? Maybe March. There is always something. Scheduling shifts is a nightmare. Based on the scheduling nightmare, I haven't really been able to take a vacation. Which sucks because I am stressed. You know you are stressed when you kind of sort of hope you get a critical illness because then you could take time off and not feel guilty about it. Yeah, sorry, I'd like to work, but it's that brain hemmorhage...the doctor says I have to stay home. And play nintendo. And read a little. And never do schedules again.

So, I am ignoring the fatalistic idea of poisoning myself with arsenic (damn you Agatha Christie) and taking some mini-breaks. So, for August, every weekend is a three day weekend.

Plus, the reno is mostly done except for organizing crap, so staying home won't be that stressful either. Hurrah!

I am spending most of tomorrow finding the exact perfect shade of nail polish for my toes. And probably doing a tiny bit of laundry since it is once again reaching critical mass. Potty training your two year old = lots of sketchy laundry.


At 9:10 p.m., Blogger LilyMab said...

Side Note: people who quit with no notice whatsoever suck. If you ever do this to your place of work, don't brag about it to me. I will be liable to come and kick your selfish ass. What makes your life more important than anyone else's?!

Sorry. I have issues.

At 9:12 p.m., Blogger LilyMab said...

On the extremely bright side, I will probably end up getting two weeks vacation at Christmas again since all I've had for va-cay this year is a 4-day weekend and my 3-days are actually just burning off stored up overtime. :)

At 7:22 a.m., Blogger Library Lady said...

You're a machine, Ash. I personally love the three day weekend, because most importantly, it means a short work week.

Chin up, dearest.


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