Monday, August 18, 2008

I Need New Sneakers

...or skids as Ninjababy calls them.

It's been a productive weekend. Saturday was Thammuz's family reunion, so we went and schmoozed with the relatives. It was pretty cool actually. They rented a bouncy castle and playset for all the kids AND they had treat bags for them. Ninjababy and Pirateboy were suitably impressed. You couldn't pry them away from the bouncy castle with a big stick. Luckily, you could pry them away with brownies or they might still be there. Thammuz's wonderful sister FrozenEyes was working her henna magic as a form of entertainment, so I also walked away with a very cool henna tattoo on my hand. People keep telling me that it looks awesome, so here's hoping I drum up some business for her.

Saturday night we drove into Calgary and FINALLY saw The Dark Knight. I have an obsession with comic book movies, so it was driving me nuts that I hadn't managed to watch it yet. I was impressed that even after the long wait, it was every bit as good as I was expecting. Excellent movie. I really don't know why Gary Oldman has yet to win an Oscar. The man is a chameleon. Seriously. Compare Commissioner Gordon to Sirus Black to his role on Friends. He's not even recognizable as the same person. Kudos.

Stayed overnight in Calgary with our good friends Mr. SuperHappyAura (Orange) and Darth Vader. Then got up obscenely early (at least, it was obscene after being up til 2am to watch Dark Knight) for the Ronald McDonald House Rock the House run. Darth Vader and Thammuz were running the thing and Mr. SuperHappyAura (Orange) and I were scheduled to walk it. Mr. SuperHappyAura (Orange) and I have no delusions about our fitness level and walking 5k seemed smarter for us. I have high hopes of being able to run it one day, but I can't do it right now. It was our second year participating though, and we all had a blast. However, if we run next year, I am defs going to need some new shoes. I have a blister on each foot the size of a dime. Apparently, my sneakers are shot and cannot protect my feet on a 5k walk in plus 30 weather. Bleah. I tried to assuage the situation with blister pads after the run, but this was the worst idea in the history of ideas as somehow the pad managed to graft itself to the blister and it was NO FUN AT ALL getting it off later.

Took today, Monday, off work and spend most of it either housecleaning or nursing my sore feet. Eventually gave it up to hide at my Mom's house where there is glorious air conditioning. That is definitely the next reno project - cold would be lovely right now.

I am actually looking forward to sitting in my air conditioned office tomorrow. Possibly with epsom salts hidden under my desk if these blisters don't start to heal!


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