Friday, November 18, 2005

Odds and Ends

I'm feeling a little scattered today, so this post will be full of randomness:

Random thought #1: Nine Inch Nails rock. We saw the concert last night - my first major 'go out without baby' night and they were fabulous. If only their opening acts had been more than 'walls of sound'...still, I think it's the best concert I've been to. We also saw Corpse Bride - the first time we've ever taken the kids to a movie. It's a beautiful film. I am biased because I love Tim Burton and Johnny Depp, but still...go see it if you haven't already seen it because it is magnificent.

Random thought #2: Baby speak is an interesting thing. LilyMab is already trying to talk at two months old. Nothing she says is intelligible, but she makes an effort. So far, I have managed to decipher a couple of her gurgles. When she screws up her face, sticks out her lower lip, and yells "Meh!" right into your face it roughly means "RAGE!" (and whenever I think of the word rage now, I think of Sonya - go figure). Also, when I leave the room, she tends to call out "Ee-yar-arg!" I think this means "Mom" or possibly, "Hey Milk Wench, you left me in the playpen again!"

Random thought #3: I suck at making friends. I'm feeling a little frustrated because I'm lonely. My parents live here and I have Jake and the kids - heck, there are even Jake's friends and family - but I don't have friends of my own here. I am extremely shy and self-conscious, so I find it difficult to make conversation with people...until I know them and then no-one can ever shut me up (rolls eyes). Bleah. Doesn't it just seem like people are already friends with their own little group? And that try as you might you always end up as a fringe friend? This is the story of my life - the fringe friend. Oh the pity party, oh the humanity. Anybody got tips on how to get to know people? Something nice and easy where I don't have to talk a lot until I'm comfortable? I swear, library school was half-over before I managed to make friends with a few people (as in, talk to them outside of class)! I can't even deal with the "what a beautiful baby girl" opener - I mumble "thank you", blush, and then slink away. I need to be able to invite somebody over for a cup of tea. Helpful suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Random thought #4: I have too many random thoughts. This is what happens when you don't get enough sleep. :)


At 9:23 a.m., Blogger Violette said...

I don't really have any tips for making friends. I've been here in MJ for a month, and I still don't know anyone outside of work. It doesn't really bother me for a couple of reasons:
1) I'm only here until the end of March anyway, is it worth it?
2) I have EJ, LB, my mom and my sister to talk to all of the time. They may not live here, but they're close and I usually see at least one of them on the weekend.
3) I actually enjoy being alone. My cats and a good book are all I need. Being too much with people makes me crazy.

If I'm ever in your neck of the woods, I'll come for tea. Which might be more often now that my friend LB has been posted to a small town near Lethbridge.

At 7:58 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh, shannon. i am with you sister. fringe friends is the perfect way to describe it....jenny

At 4:37 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's always so much harder to make friends when you move somewhere for work than when you move somewhere for school. When you do the second, you have a built-in group of people who a)have at least one thing in common with you; and b)are likely feeling at least slightly as terrified as you are the first day.

The only advice I have, and I don't know how feasible it is with the kids, is to either take a class in something or volunteer for some sort of event. Then you have an activity and a built-in topic of conversation so you don't feel quite so on display, and you can try on a number of different people for size to see if any fit.

By the way, this library school friend misses you!


At 4:42 p.m., Blogger librarychik said...

Hey chicky,

It is very difficult to make friends in a new place. Especially small town, I know, having done a lot of it. It takes time, so be patient and be yourself sweetie!
I tend to agree with Michelle, the best way is to join something, whether it is knitting or D & D. Good luck sugar, and when are coming to Edmunchuk? :-)

ciao bella

At 5:40 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you have a desk at your new job? If so, put a bowl of candy on it and let it be known that anyone can come by and get some (candy I mean).


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