Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Mean People Suck

I had a very stressful day at work today. I had to telephone out to get some information and the person on the other end of the line had, to put it nicely, a very sharp tongue. Instead of providing information, the person chose to criticize and belittle me for not having information in the first place. It was so very frustrating. I eventually got what I needed, but not before I was made to feel like a child. Thankfully, the very next person that I had to telephone for further information was extremely helpful and offered extra advice since she knew I was new to my position and had not done year-end before. Unfortunately, my attitude had already been destroyed for the day.

Honestly, people, just be nice to those around you and cut people some slack. Niceness does pay off. Case in point: the most helpful person to me today is getting some flowers tomorrow...just for making my crappy day the tiniest bit less sucky.


At 8:29 a.m., Blogger librarychik said...

What ever happened to "customer" in customer service. I with you Shannon. Recently my morning bus went flying by me as I waved at and thought, darn I have to wait another half hour. She stopped though, but just barely. When I got on I was going to make a joke... but she said in a snarly tone of voice... You have to move or something you know, you blend right in. I had no response. I did move, I took steps toward the road and was taking off my backpack.

Mean people suck!

Luv ya Ash!

At 5:57 p.m., Blogger LilyMab said...

Oh good - people do still read this thing. :) I thought my lack of posts had driven away all my readers.

At 8:16 a.m., Blogger librarychik said...

no way chickita, still here and reading.From one bad poster to another :)


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