Sunday, February 11, 2007

What's Your Perfect Date?

I can't say I'm a huge fan of Valentine's Day - it's one of those letdown holidays when you get older. I liked it when I was in grade school and you could count on cheezy paper valentines from your best friends and a whole schwack of cinnamon hearts and jujube candies. I find, once you get older, it's much better to just enjoy date nights than try to set up something for some preprogrammed YOU MUST BE ROMANTIC night.

That said, in the spirit of grade school Valentine's Day fun, I thought I'd run a poll: How would you describe your perfect date?

Here's mine:

  • Sleep In (this automatically means the kids are not home)
  • Relaxing Day - maybe some fun shopping or a spa appointment
  • Dinner Out
  • Bowling or Rollerskating
  • Movie

It's a lot to cram into one day, but it would be a blast. This is why I need to live in the big city again. We're not going out for Valentine's Day this year - it's just not going to work out. We're going to try for a date the weekend after, though. I must see Music and Lyrics - bad 80s pop music = my perfect movie. Seriously. I can watch The Wedding Singer an alarming number of times.

So, your turn. Share your dates!


At 7:10 a.m., Blogger Library Lady said...

1) Sleep in (good one, Ash).
2) Hair cut/styled by a professional so's I look and feel my prettiest.
3) Movie (with popcorn and hand holding).
4) Lots of flirting.
5) Good night kiss.

p.s. No mean people need apply.

At 8:45 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a test to see if I can get a post in before I ramble on.


At 8:53 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, Yak is back. I used to hate Valentine's day for the obvious reason that I was single for my whole young adulthood. However, since I met my group of best friends from university I have discovered a new spin on Valentine's day. One of the best V days I had was when the 6 of us drew names and sent the person we picked a balloon-a-gram. Plus going to church dances and stuffing our faces with chocolate cake at Boston Pizza after.

Since being with my sweetie though, I have enjoyed many a V day as is traditionally expected. Cards, flowers, chocolates, dinners, and even a diamond heart necklace. We always try to do something special for V day, even though every day is V day. This year we are making pizza at home.

So to the question at hand, my ideal date:

1) Dinner
2) Movie
3) Starbucks
4) Drive around the city

Hope everyone feels the love this V day, whether you are single or not, busy or relaxed, it's all about the love people, friends, family, partners, children, pets, plants - love them all.


At 5:14 a.m., Blogger Jenifer said...

1) Sleep in.
2) Go for a walk in a park.
3) Read in the park while he writes.
4) Take a nap in the sun.
5) He makes me dinner.
6) We watch TV or a movie.

Chocolate would somehow be involved and possibly flowers.

It makes me happy just thinking about it.


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