Saturday, September 22, 2007


It's Mabon tomorrow, the celebration of the autumn equinox. If I can shake this awful cold, I will take the kids to the park tomorrow to jump in the leaves. And then maybe have some hot cocoa. This seems to me, a good plan, a phrase which for some unknown reason is making me think of Winnie-the-Pooh.

I got to visit with Violette and her Mom yesterday which made me very happy! Thanks for stopping in Violette - it was great to see you!! Outside of the blogosphere, I haven't had a chance to visit with Violette since graduation. When you live in a new place and haven't really had a chance to make many friends, it is so nice to remember you have good friends in other places. And, thankfully, ones that blog and facebook or I would feel totally alone half the time. Well, you know, except for Thammuz and the kids, and my folks...who by the way, are wonderful people that have taken the kids for the day so that I can rest and get rid of aforementioned evil cold. I am planning to rest as soon as I've hung up the laundry - I promise I am not just sitting here blogging when I should be sleeping.

I haven't blogged for a week and the laundry is going to take a while, so I may as well pad this entry with random tidbits:

Ninjababy and Pirateboy celebrated "Talk Like a Pirate Day" at their sitters' house this week. Apparently, their sitter put the kids' names into a pirate name generator on the computer. I cannot remember Pirateboy's name - but I will look for it later. Ninjababy, however, got "Skylarking Esmerelda." It is the best name ever. I may steal it for something later. Maybe a book character...

I bought a woolen caplette earlier this week. It's basically a wooly headband that buttons in the back so that you can wear a toque when you have your hair in a ponytail. My Mom has already stolen it. She wants to figure out how it was made so she can knit herself one.

Pirateboy has an ear infection - a really nasty one. This poor kid gets ear infections every second month. It was so bad that they gave him codeine when Thammuz took him into the hospital. Now he's on meds - really awful stuff that is thick like porridge and slides nastily down your throat, coating it with the terrible taste. He is so brave. He grabs a glass of milk, waits for me to syringe it into his mouth, and then starts downing the milk as fast as he can. I can't believe he doesn't complain about it more. So brave! I would at least pull a face about it.

I am addicted to Ugly Betty. Thammuz brought me season one on DVD as a present when he came home from work one night. Much better than flowers! I've have been watching it compulsively every night since. Well, nearly...I've had to skip it since I got this cold cuz I've been off to bed early. Anyway, I am going crazy wondering and waiting for next season to start. Sadly, I have our annual general meeting at the library that night, so I will miss the premiere! Ergh! I am going to beg my Mom to tape it for me. I will even go buy a VHS tape...I am sure they still sell them. Also I like the new theme song:

Betty and Henry must get together. I am officially obsessed. Only they can't get together too soon, or the lack of tension might get boring.

What else is new? I'm hosting an erotic party next month. Frozen Eyes, my sister-in-law, has a new job selling lingerie and such, so I thought I would take on a party to show support. If anyone happens to be in the area, please consider yourself invited. It should be fun...if nothing else, then to watch me blush. For someone as open as I am, I have a knee-jerk prude reaction to a lot of this stuff, so it ought to be funny.

And, as of this morning, my baby has her own toddler bed. Mom and Dad phoned to tell me they had found one for $10 in mint condition at a garage sale this morning. Garage sales are the best. I even forgive them for waking me up to tell me. This is a particularly good thing since Ninjababy has managed on more than one occasion to get her leg stuck so badly in between the crib bars, that I have had to call for help to get her unstuck. Dad even took the crib apart at one point. It was not fun and I may have been slightly hysterical.

And I heard the washing machine ding, so it's off to bed for me!


At 5:44 a.m., Blogger Jenifer said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one addicted to Ugly Betty.


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