Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Ouch Ouch Ouch (aka Jog and Blog)

So. Much. Pain. But it's manageable in small doses.

As per my previous blogs, I've been trying to exercise but keep whining that I have no time. I found this on MSN that was labelled under the slightly misleading pre-heading of "get fit in 10 minutes." Yeah, but it's 10 minutes in bursts throughout the day. Not, as I was pathetically hoping, just one 10 minute session in the morning. Still, it seemed like something that I could handle. I mean, I could, theoretically, do 10 minutes in the morning, 10 minutes at lunch, 10 minutes before supper, and 10 minutes in the evening. It's at least do-able. Plus, it's only 20 10-minute bursts per week, so really, that's less than three times a day. I was psyched. I have time for this!

Then, I tried it.

Holy crap - I am so out of shape.

I chose the "tone your body" routine and it hurts.

I managed the toning walk - I've done two so far. The stairs are evil and I am somewhat sweaty when I finish, but the sweatiness is encouraging because it means I am getting a workout.

The squats and lunges - I've done this routine once so far. Holy pain!!! I had no oxygen and my legs began to shake. After only 10 minutes. Pirate Boy suggested I lay down. I felt much, much better after water and some slow walking.

Next, I tried the belly-toning exercises. After baby, I can't even do them. Okay, I can do some of them, but the sit ups are not working. I'm going to try hooking my legs under the couch next time because I literally can't do this. It makes me sad because I could do it pre-baby. Bleah.

I am going to try and stick with it, though, because 10 minutes a day is really something that I should be able to tackle.

Updates on whether I give up and eat a billion chips will follow.


At 7:11 p.m., Blogger librarychik said...

Hey Ash, good for you, getting started is half the battle. Good luck


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