Saturday, December 03, 2005

I have a Nametag!

Proof positive that I am a real librarian...the nametag has arrived and business cards are apparently on the way. I also have more keys than I know what to do with. My first "week" went okay. I'm on a rotating 2-day/3-day per week schedule. In November, I attended a PD-Day, a board meeting, and a managers meeting for all the libraries in the system. As of December 1st, I actually started shifts. December 1st was a half-day of training (this is where stuff is)...and then I started working alone on December 2nd. Basically, I am THE librarian for my shifts while the head librarian does part-time work for the system HQ. On my first day, I was already making collection development decisions, doing programming work, working on website development, making decisions on new shelving....and I still haven't really figured out the computer system yet. I get a month of leeway before I have to start doing scheduling and learning some of the more administrative work. It sounds a bit scary, but I'm actually loving it so far. Everybody is really supportive (and a little sarcastic - but in a nice way - I get teased for being the young'un). I'm even able to go home for lunch so that I can see the family for a midday break. It's nice to know that my schooling is backing me up so far (thank heaven for advanced management's emphasis on budget...and I never thought I'd be grateful for that class). I'm finally out of the house, I'm finally a librarian...and it's exhilirating. Hurrah!


At 11:40 p.m., Blogger librarychik said...

Gosh, a name tag? I am so jealous. Sigh... my turn will come. Good for you, I hope advanced management will stand me in good stead when I start interviews.

Yeah for new librarians, sarcasm be damned!


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