Friday, March 24, 2006

Freakin' Colds...

Okay, I've been through my 10 millionth cold this winter. The joys of living with a preschooler. I swear, we must just have a big sign inviting every virus known to man to infect us. LilyMab actually caught it this time. She went to the doctor today to be outfitted with a nebulizer. Basically, it's a breathing mask that you can upload medicine

On the bright side, after being sideswiped all week, I'm finally feeling good again. Another plus...I've gotten a lot done. We've booked our first appointment with the wedding coordinator. And can I just say: oh my god I have a wedding coordinator. At what point did this wedding become an EVENT instead of a party? Ah well. I also got the taxes taken care of, cleaned up the house following the wake, got my car fixed (finally)'s actually starting to feel like things are getting on track. My stress is way down. The best news, though, is that I am actually taking a day off on Wednesday. A REAL day off! I've booked in both kids at their respective babysitters. I am getting a pedicure and reflexology in the morning and I am getting my hair done in the afternoon. This is my first relaxing me-day in over a year. Bliss, bliss, bliss...

Oh, and they are making a movie of Gaiman's book, Stardust. How excited am I?

Anyway, enough "posting for the sake of posting." I am off to watch cheesy British miniseries. I'll let you know whether Neverwhere or MirrorMask wins the weirdest Gaiman flick award once I've watched them both. Cheers!


At 6:50 p.m., Blogger librarychik said...

Way to go my friend. You deserve a day off! Enjoy every second of it! Ciao bella :-)


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