Sunday, February 12, 2006

I've Been Tagged!

Librarychik has tagged me. So, here goes:

Four Jobs I've Had in My Life

1. Front Counter at McDonald's
2. Special Needs Aide
3. Interpreter (Historical not Linguistic)
4. Librarian

Four Places I've Lived

1. Caroline, Alberta
2. Rocky Mountain House, Alberta
3. Calgary, Alberta
4. Edmonton, Alberta (yeah, I've never lived outside of Alberta...)

Four Websites I Visit Daily

1. Yahoo Mail
2. Blogger
3. The Internet Movie Database
4. Sur La Lune

Four Places I Have Been on Vacation

1. Great Britain and Ireland (my one true vacation!)
2. Banff, Alberta (hot springs...)
3. Vancouver, BC (class trip)
4. Crimson Lake, AB (camping every summer when I was little)

I just realized that I have had only one real vacation in my life. How sad it that?

Four of My Favorite Foods

1. Potatoes
2. Mom's Homemade Stew
3. Pumpkin Bread
4. Raspberry Smoothies

Four Places I'd Rather Be:

1. Calgary (80% of my close friends live there)
2. Travelling the Slea Head Drive in Ireland (most beautiful place on earth)
3. Tibet (I need inner peace)
4. New York City (I also need to tons of museums and libraries!)

Four Albums/Artists I Can't Be Without

1. Great Big Sea - pretty much anything they've done
2. The Crow soundtrack
3. Loreena McKennitt. The Book of Secrets
4. Cheesy Compilation of 80s pop music

I also love Tea Party's Tangents, but I couldn't fit it in. :)

Four Vehicles I've Owned

1. A 1968 Volkswagen Convertible Bug (very cool, but a pain to drive)
2. Plymouth Sundance
3. Plymouth Sundance (oddly, after the first one was totalled in a bad accident, I somehow ended up with another one...same make, model, year, and color!)
4. Pontiac Sunfire

Four People I'm Tagging

This will probably be ignored, but it's just for fun! :)

1. Frances
2. Sleeves
3. Jenifer...I still check Thrall every week hoping for more stories!
4. LilyMab

I know lots of people, but very few of them blog.


At 8:57 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ash has tagged me. So, here goes:

Four Jobs I've Had in My Life

1. Subway Sandwich Artist
2. Manager of Hickory Farms booth
3. Shelving books at the Public Library
4. Administrative Assistant at drilling company

Four Places I've Lived

1. Medicine Hat
2. Irricana
3. Calgary, Alberta
4. Banff and Canmore during summers when I cleaned hotel rooms

Four Websites I Visit Daily

1. Yahoo Mail
2. Ash's Blog site
3. The Young and the
4. Shane Homes (check on the status of my new house)

Four Places I Have Been on Vacation

1. Cuba (honeymoon)
2. Hawaii (family trip in grade 7)
3. Ontario (family vacation)
4. BC - various places

Four of My Favorite Foods

1. Cheese
2. Eggs
3. Pasta
4. Soup

Four Places I'd Rather Be:

1. Cuba
2. Home in bed or sitting on the couch
3. At a book store with $1000 gift certificate
4. Cruise ship somewhere

Four Albums/Artists I Can't Be Without

1. Great Big Sea - pretty much anything they've done (agree)
2. Bon Jovi (can't decide which one so all of them)
3. Backstreet Boys (greatest hits)
4. Heart - greatest hits

Four Vehicles I've Owned

1. 1990 Oldsmobile something or other
2. 1998 Oldsmobile Intrigue
3. na
4. na

Four People I'm Tagging

No one

At 12:40 p.m., Blogger LilyMab said...

Okay, Yak, we really need to set you up with a blog. Though blogging from the jobsite might not work out so well. Ah well - yeep - you're it! :)


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