Monday, May 01, 2006

Missing You

I've been feeling wistful lately. You know those moments where you think about your past and you just miss things? Now, I have to add a small disclaimer. I love my life right now. I love my family, my home, and my job. I've got a few friendships starting - just seedlings right now - but they'll grow. Still, though, it's not the same as the comfort feeling you get around old friends.

My mind has been bouncing around a lot lately, thinking of friends from high school, missing how easy it was to just haul my roommates/neighbours (all of whom are still my best friends) out to spend time together at U of C, walking down Whyte and chatting with my fellow librarian wannabes (and didn't feel good to be around people who all had a common goal?), just hanging out with various good friends who all live in different cities now...

I'm not very good at keeping in touch. Sitting on the phone is just too difficult right now (my four-year old yelled "Pirates Attack" over and over into the phone the last time I had a conversation for more than 10 minutes...pretty funny actually except that it was a business call for the library). And for some reason, letter writing feels stilted and awkward. I'll have to start getting after my e-mails though. Otherwise, it's going to be:

Hello, ________. I haven't spoken to you in five years, but remember how much fun we had hanging out at _________. Wow, I wish we were still friends. See ya.

Yeah, that's pretty lame. I really miss just going for coffee with a good friend on a weekly/biweekly basis and chatting about everything in our lives. I'm going to have to find a way to reconnect with everybody.

Meantime, here's a running start at it: The fam and I will be heading up to Calgary for May long weekend. We're meeting up with the wedding coordinator (I can't believe I have one of those) on the 24th, so Jake's going to try and get some time off the weekend before to make a short trip out of it. Hurrah! Also, I have been putting in a lot of overtime at work, so I am taking off the first week in June. If anybody wants to put me up, I'll come and visit you. If you live far away, visit will probably include baby....I can't go overnight without my girl yet.

Anyway, let me know if you miss me too.


At 4:22 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wondering if you want to visit me for a couple days in June when you take your time off and maybe we can get some of the favors and booklets done. I still have to work and go to the gym, but I can try to arrange my schedule so we can get some stuff done in the evenings, not sure what weekend days you're taking off.

Oh, John's mom is visiting for 2 weeks in May and the visit will include the long weekend, so we may be free for just a short visit.


At 8:20 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I miss the way the friendships used to be as well. I am making new friends too but nothing will ever be like the friends I had/have from university days. It was such a different time in our lives, getting married and having kids was a far off plan and now here we are doing just that. I miss getting in the car and singing along to music, I miss Cheesecake Cafe visits, I miss community Melrose Place nights. But I cherish those memories and no matter what the status of the friendships those people will always have a special place in my heart. Unfortunately, as people grow up and get other things going on in their lives, sometimes they drift apart and find other people that share those new interests and no matter how hard you try you just can't keep them as close as they once were. I am thankful that you are not drifting away from me because a lot of other people are. It makes me sad but you can't force people to spend time with you or stay in touch. Well at least we're all there for the important things, that's something to be thankful for, but it's the little things, the everyday things that keep you going.

On a different note, I fell on my butt this morning walking to the car. We don't have a sidewalk right now so it's just these plywood and 2 x 4 boxes serving as our walkway, and wouldn't you know it, a bit of moisture and cold temps. and it's a sheet of ice. At least I have butt padding so I was protected a bit, but it hurt, it still does. Ow. Note to Lily, don't walk, stay on all fours, you get better balance, low to the ground, less chance of falling.


At 7:31 p.m., Blogger LilyMab said...

Hey Sweetie-Bob,

We do know you are coming and we are looking forward to you, your fabulousness, and your entourage as always.


At 9:17 a.m., Blogger Violette said...

Dear Ash-

Of course I miss you! I wish we could have our DnD sessions again. I don't want to lose touch with anyone from library land, but I can feel it happening. But you and I can stay in touch!

At 10:05 p.m., Blogger librarychik said...

Hey sweetie I do miss you too. I wish you could come all the way up to Edmonton, or that I could make it down that way. Like Violette, I miss our D&D too :-)

Oh well, just know that I think of you often and read your blog whenever I can.


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