Saturday, July 15, 2006

Pictures of You

I'm having a blue day. I'm getting really stressed out with planning this wedding. Unlike other "perfect wedding" wannabes, I actually did want to elope in the first place. Just a small wedding with immediate family. I got talked out of it by my groom, though, who wants a real celebration. Unfortunately, he works crazy hours and that means that, as I knew it would, I am stuck dealing with all the niggling details. This is really bad because I am a hideous perfectionist and, now that I've been talked into the celebration, I feel the need to make sure everything is fabulous. Sometimes, I really loathe being me. Bleah.

The source of today's depression is photographs. I wanted to create a photo montage thingy for the wedding - a 2-minute powerpoint slideshow or a photowall or something - for our guests. Pics of us as kids, growing up, with our own kids, etc. Depressingly, there are no pictures. J has almost no pics of himself as a kid. Worse, and this made me cry, there are no pictures of us together. At least, none that I can find. I think Mom took one when I was, like, 6 months pregnant, but I was hoping for a little more than that. We've known each other for ten years and we've been a couple for nearly three years...and there's nothing. I was particularly distressed to learn that there aren't even pics of us together with LilyMab after the birth. Yep, there's not even family photos here. This is pretty sad since we are both each other's longest relationship and plan to have it be the one that lasts.

Does anyone have any pictures of us? If you do, I would be eternally grateful if you could send me a copy...electronically, in person, or via mail. Because this is really depressing me. I'm also looking for pics of J when he was younger if anybody has any.

Thanks. :)


At 7:13 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Forgot to give you some of what I have of J's earlier years when I saw you last. Me bad! There's still time, right?

At 9:24 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nick wanted me to pass along the message that most family pictures come from vacations together. Certainly almost all of ours do. Even then, there aren't so many of us together because there's no one there to hold the camera! So, if you've been busy finishing school, starting a new job, taking care of a new home, and having kids, it isn't so unreasonable not to have too many photos about. Just start scheduling family photos once in a while. :)


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