Thursday, June 29, 2006

Five Things (Tag You're It)

The goal of this post is to cheer people up. Everybody I talk to lately seems to be tired, depressed, busy, panicked...not good emotions. So, breathe. I'm tagging five friends to do this and, if you don't have a blog, feel free to comment in the comments section for this post.

Here's what you have to do: Name five things that make you insanely happy for absolutely no fathomable reason. Here's five of mine:

1. Rubber Boots
2. Rubber Band Balls
3. Pumpkins
4. Animated Mushrooms
5. Rocks

It makes no sense, but these things make me very happy whenever I come across them. So, here's who I'm calling out:

1. Library Lady (please smile, Library Lady!)
2. Librarychik
3. Bob
4. Spazzy
5. Violette

Have fun...and try to laugh out loud today!


At 6:33 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's up with the animated nushrooms--and where have u ever seen one??? My top smile maker---GRANDCHILDREN!!me

At 10:46 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can I only name 5 things that make me happy for no reason...these are not necessarily the top 5, but here goes:

1) going to the library and getting lots of books out (not trying to score brownie points with the librarians, but if it works...)
2) the smell of my cat (not the litterbox smell, the smell of her fur)
3) seeing daddys holding their babies
4) waking up early on a weekend and knowing I don't have to get up
5) geese

okay I have a few more...

6) the sound of a lawn mower in the distance
7) my bracelets and earrings (I am all about accessorizing these days)
8) wearing the color aquamarine
9) billowing curtains
10) falling asleep on the couch

At 1:03 p.m., Blogger Library Lady said...

Thanks, Ash:

1. Ride-on lawnmowers.
2. Cubed cheese.
3. Donkey foals.
4. Label makers.
5. Oversized cat paws.

At 3:45 p.m., Blogger Violette said...

1) walking on a thick layer of crunchy fall leaves
2) moonlight
3) thunder and lightning storms
4) kittens
5) driving through mud puddles


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