Monday, April 02, 2007

Sleep...Need Sleep...

I've been making an effort to try and post more often, but it's hard. Take, for instance, today:

I have been awake since 4am when Ninjababy began crying. She continued to cry fitfully on and off until it was time for me to go to work anyway. She may be sick. Her older brother is already sick - he has an ear infection and has had since last Friday. So, I went to work after trying unsuccessfully to prop my eyelids open with toothpicks: it does not work and it is painful. Did not get a break today. I am trying to hire and we are a bit crazy-busy at work right now. Did not get an actual lunch break that involved time to eat as I had to get Monkey from school and take him to the sitter, go to the bank, go to the accountant, and phone around to get things set up for babysitting later in the week. It is now 6:15pm. I have picked up the kids, fed them supper, and packed their bags for tomorrow. I still have snack time, baths, and laundry before I can relax tonight and I am stealing a few seconds to blog while they kids finish eating.


Anyway, I am going to count on YouTube to save my sorry blogger behind once again. As a means of making this post somewhat interesting, I'll point you all to the trailer for STARDUST - based on the Neil Gaiman book by the same name. STARDUST is an amazing book, I love Neil Gaiman, and the movie looks fabulous. Everyone should go and see it unless they are tall and plan to sit in front of me at the theatre. Here's the trailer:


At 5:21 p.m., Blogger Violette said...

Dear Ash,
You've inspired me to read the book. I'm already through the first couple of chapters... so far so good!

At 10:58 a.m., Blogger LilyMab said...


At 11:02 a.m., Blogger Jenifer said...

I must say, that does look good. I was a little disappointed with MirrorMask. The visuals were awesome but...

At 11:29 a.m., Blogger LilyMab said...

Yeah, I know...I was disappointed in Mirrormask too. It was odd - and not the kind of odd that I enjoy. I'm a huge fan of Gaiman, but I'm only 50-50 on how I feel about Dave McKean. I just don't get some of his stuff.


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