Monday, December 19, 2005


My uncle was diagnosed with terminal cancer today. We just found out it was cancer a couple of weeks ago. It was initially located in his throat and stomach, meaning it was operable, but it has now spread to his liver. Essentially, that means that there isn't anything they can do and he has about a year left to live. I love my uncle and I am close to him. I feel such heartache for him, my aunt, and my cousins. I can't imagine how to deal with news like this. I can't decide whether it's better to know you have a time limit or if it's better to be surprised. I wish I knew how to feel or react...terminal illness is leaves me empty. I just hope I can provide support and love for my family when they need me to give it.

For all my friends and family reading this right now, I wish you love, light, and happiness. Hugs and blessings to you all.


At 2:18 p.m., Blogger librarychik said...

Oh chicky... I am so sorry. As to your question about knowing or not knowing. My dad died very unexpectedly and I wish with all my heart, everyday, that I had had a chance to tell him how very much I loved him.

Love and support to you and yours,

At 8:29 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very sorry to hear about your uncle. As sad as this is for your family, it does hold some blessings. Your family has time to prepare and spend time together and your uncle has time to get his affairs in order. I have also heard of some miraculous stories about people being healed from serious cancer, I know the news you received is dire, but don't give up. Miracles do happen. I would recommend that your uncle see a naturopathic doctor and get Reiki treatments. That's just my personal opinion and I realize it may not be something he believes in. Again I have heard miraculous stories about people being healed or having the illness slowed down by using Reiki and naturopathic remedies.

My prayers will be with you and your family. I hope your uncle beats this, and I do believe it can be done.


At 9:31 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

On a brighter note, happy winter solstice!

I just put on some Blistex and it does tingle.

"It burns us!" (from Lord of the Rings)


At 6:18 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

tell that guy to use his own nick name.


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