Saturday, December 27, 2008


  • I just watched Ratatouille. We have owned it for over a year and between work and kids, it was the first time I had to watch it. Despite the fact that it is a cartoon, the kids were uninterested. I probably should have savoured the time to watch a 'grown-up' movie, though, as I got to listen to Kung Fu Panda five times today. Samurai Girl was not watching it, but she insisted it stay on the TV. Joy. Good movie, but really. Five times. Not so much. Anyway, after watching Ratatouille, I want to be a chef and go to France.

    France might be doable.

    However, I'm pretty sure the ambition to learn cookery will fade fast. Especially once I clue in to the doing dishes portion of it.

  • I also painted my nails kaleidoscope green.

  • I want to learn yoga. No one in this area teaches yoga at a time that will work with my schedule. 10am yoga times? Does no one work a real job around here?

    I am not sure if learning from a DVD actually works. Maybe I should get a Wii Fit? I hear that is better. Thoughts?

  • Now that the holidays are winding down, I realize that I am seriously broke.

  • And my hair is terrible. Cut = pretty good. Colour = ick. Why must my hair pick up so much red every time I dye it? Bad juju. My coworkers are trying to be nice about it.

  • I am very very tired and need to go to bed before midnight. Somehow, this never happens. When you have two small kids, this is very very stupid.

  • Falls asleep at keyboard...