Monday, April 30, 2007

Is this my Daemon?

The Golden Compass movie site is up and running! As a librarian who loves YA fiction, I have of course read through the series. It's not my favorite series, but it grows on you. I've liked it better with re-readings....and hey, it was good enough to re-read. One of the coolest things about the series is the concept of Daemons, an animal companion that is representative of your soul.

I have had my Daemon picked out for me by the site and now I have the opportunity to ask you all if you think my Daemon suits me. If not, help me get another!

Here's the link:

Thanks, SoraJen, for helping me find Inachus!

Monday, April 23, 2007

The perfect date involves...

...the element of surprise.

I just read that and it's so true. The best dates are the ones where you aren't quite sure what's going to happen and you've got that wild heartbeat when you are hoping something will...



My baby is currently headbanging to Dora the Explorer music. Is that weird?

Also adding to the Skaterpunk vibe: her penchant for wearing toques with saucy attitude.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Shades of Grease...

This is an oldie, but it's still a lot of fun.

Heathen Yak probably still shudders when she hears it. In no way did I overplay this guy when I was her roommate. :P (I have a strange affinity for 80s pop music). On the other hand, I had to suffer through several hours of BSB, so I guess we are even.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

What the...?

First off, why would anyone make a sequel to The Incredible Hulk? Did they see the first movie? Did they see the lack of money?

And second, why would Edward Norton agree to star in it? See reference: MSN Movies.

Seriously, why?

I can only imagine that they realized the first one was utter crap and decided to tear it down and do it properly...except that the article indicates that it will pick up where the old one left off. I am in awe.

At least Ninjababy will watch it. She has a huge crush on the Incredible Hulk. No, really. She actually does:

She kept blowing him kisses the entire time!


Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Frances' Game

Frances posted this game on her blog and it was kind of fun, so I am stealing it.

"Go to IMDB and look up 10 of your favorite movies. Post three official IMDB 'Plot Keywords' for your 10 picks. Have your friends guess the movie titles."

Here are my picks:

1. Accountant. Chainsaw. Amnesia.
2. Severed Hand. Damsel in Distress. Airport.
3. Eclipse. Fugitive. Monk.
4. Birthday Party. Striptease. Best Friend.
5. Cat. Dynamite. Secret Door.
6. Aunt. Dogfight. Mask.
7. Train. Ex-Wife. Mormon.
8. Fish out of Water. Tree. Police.
9. Midget. Crushed to Death. Evil.
10. Bibliophilia. Secret. Sentimental.

Have Fun!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

And Speaking of Getting Out of Kansas...

I am in love with this house:

Learn more about it here:

If I had 380,000 pounds, I would seriously consider uprooting and moving to England. The big selling point: the Goblin Market kitchen with hand-painted murals by artists Brian Froud, Charles Vess, Alan Lee, and Terri Windling. The house, in fact, used to belong to Terri Windling, a renowned faery artist and writer.

Gotta Get Out of Kansas...

Monkey and I have spent a jammie day together watching Muppets' Wizard of Oz - which is actually pretty cute - and drawing pictures. Ninjababy has spent the day trying on hats and stomping around the house in yellow rubber boots. I've been sick all week (and still working), so it's kind of nice to have a homebody day just resting. Here's one of the music videos from our muppet-y movie fest to share with you all:

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Signs You've Become a Housewife

  • You look forward to grocery shopping as your me time
  • You get excited about the new Method line of household cleaners
  • You get really excited about BONUS AIRMILES!
  • You are actually interested in the Rachael Ray magazine at the checkout counter
  • You actually buy the Rachael Ray magazine at the checkout counter

At this point, you may just as well start baking chocolate chip cookies and humming the theme songs to 1950s TV shows under your breath. So, who's up for an I Love Lucy marathon?

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Open the Door...

Saturday, April 07, 2007


I was trolling through my usual websites this morning (each morning I read my favorite webcomics and an assortment of blogs), when I got a bit of a surprise. There, in my favorites, was a brand new blog! My darling husband had made a new addition. So, of course, I read it...and it's really cool:

Gothic Charm School

If you are a bit goth-y, or you like me and my husband, you will probably enjoy this. It's basically Miss Manners for Goths. I found the parenting advice to be very helpful. No, seriously. And maybe a little spot-on in terms of the comments about buying your children little fuzzy monsters to cuddle. If you haven't seen Monkey's favorite toy, George, you might not understand what I'm talking about:

Monday, April 02, 2007

Sleep...Need Sleep...

I've been making an effort to try and post more often, but it's hard. Take, for instance, today:

I have been awake since 4am when Ninjababy began crying. She continued to cry fitfully on and off until it was time for me to go to work anyway. She may be sick. Her older brother is already sick - he has an ear infection and has had since last Friday. So, I went to work after trying unsuccessfully to prop my eyelids open with toothpicks: it does not work and it is painful. Did not get a break today. I am trying to hire and we are a bit crazy-busy at work right now. Did not get an actual lunch break that involved time to eat as I had to get Monkey from school and take him to the sitter, go to the bank, go to the accountant, and phone around to get things set up for babysitting later in the week. It is now 6:15pm. I have picked up the kids, fed them supper, and packed their bags for tomorrow. I still have snack time, baths, and laundry before I can relax tonight and I am stealing a few seconds to blog while they kids finish eating.


Anyway, I am going to count on YouTube to save my sorry blogger behind once again. As a means of making this post somewhat interesting, I'll point you all to the trailer for STARDUST - based on the Neil Gaiman book by the same name. STARDUST is an amazing book, I love Neil Gaiman, and the movie looks fabulous. Everyone should go and see it unless they are tall and plan to sit in front of me at the theatre. Here's the trailer: